Wordy Wednesday


Seasonal Questions

To be “In Like” or

“In Lust?”

To dream?

Or bask in the moment which just was “is?”

How do you keep the doors open

yet keep that small wall of protection around you?

Build the wall?


Ban the doubt?

Leaves pop through frozen snow

Proclaiming the arrival of birth and new beginnings

Do I wish to be left behind in the polar vortex of my past?


break free with effervescence and joy to the coming spring?

Wordy Wednesday- Maintenance May



Hello NYDreaming followers and family!

It has been AGES, (almost a year to be exact) since my last post on ye olde blog. That being said, 2016 and much of 2017 has been a whirlwind adventure. Both on the global and personal stage, changes have been rampant and it has definitely been a little difficult to juggle everything seamlessly in the air. That being said, I am a little under a month away from my 28th birthday and it got me thinking to what was missing in my life.

And naturally, my old Word Press account floated into my head!

It’s sometimes funny to think, that when I started this blog three years ago, it was out of necessity.

Necessary to leave my apartment. Necessary to not become bogged down with disappointment that I didn’t go to that audition or book that role, or follow up on that email. Necessary to find beauty in the grit and grime of New York City, the place I now fondly call home. Necessary to build new routines, go on new adventures, and just say “Hey, let’s see what happens, and try not to spend too much money.”

Suffice it to say, in the past 12 months there has been a shortage of DOWNTIME and as a result NYDreaming fell by the wayside. But like I always say when this occurs, dreaming is fine and dandy but acting on those dreams is what I always wanted in the first place!

Now back to the blog and my BIRTHDAY!!!

As the title of this post suggests, it’s Maintenance May for me. I never realized how much I missed a monthly theme, until I didn’t force myself to have one! LOL. This month, I’m really focusing on what makes me, ME! Taking time to fine tune the machine (working out and eating right), listening to what my heart and mind are telling me (blogging, journaling, and writing new poems), and making sure I’m in tip-top shape to change the world (pre-production and development for Shampagne season two). Acting is in no way on the back burner (melissamickens.com) and I’m hitting new benchmarks on the directing and teaching front at Stella Adler Studio!

Maintenance May is the undercurrent of the month because I want to finish 27 strong, so that 28 is just ready to pick up the baton and hit its stride.

June 8th, it will be wheels up back down to St. Thomas to ring in the day with my bestie, Cynthia! A time to fully relax, slow down and have some serious girl time with one of my very best friends, (the other will be getting a visit from me come fall, San Francisco I’m coming for ya!)

The post is wordy. The theme is in place. The world keeps spinning.

NYDreaming I missed you and so glad to be back.



Jumpin’ July



We have hit the seventh month of the year everyone! Number 7! I don’t know about you but the first half of 2016 went by like a bullet train. I know the saying goes that the older you get the quicker time seems to rush by, but I’m not that old! LOL

May and June were a whirlwind of activity, dormancy and change.

  • The season finale of Shampagne was released.
  • I produced my first critically acclaimed off-off-off  broadway play (Thanks NY Times)
  • I directed my first full length production (#teachingartist)
  • I did a few readings and an awesome show at ANT Fest
  • Celebrated my grandmother’s 90th
  • Went to the Jersey shore for the first time

Those are the highlights, couple of lowlights too, but no one’s life is all ups all the time, right?


July 🙂

New month needs a theme, motivation, quotes and all that jazz. More than that, I realized that by not blogging, I actually wasn’t tracking my feelings either. This space is where I actually get to take a minute, breathe, and tune in to what I want for myself. A place to be honest and right now? I need that.

Cool. July! Here’s to you! May you be hot, steamy, challenging and fun 🙂



Advice for the Weekend



I always find it so interesting when you receive an unexpected gift at just the right time.

Yesterday my friend, Kareem, gave me some amazing advice that I want to share with you all as we prepare for the weekend.

After chatting about Shampagne and the usual “How are you’s?” and “What projects do you have coming up?” I asked him if he had any advice about how to balance life as the creative lives we lead grow busier. This is what he said…

“Follow your bliss.

Structure your time.

Don’t feel bad being selfish.

Set deadlines.

Challenge yourself.

Be protective of your creativity.

Be generous with your creativity.


Drink plenty of water.

Trust your tribe.

Have fun!”

Pretty great words don’t you think? As we begin the winter thaw, and watch the days long and the grass and flowers grow high, remember these words as you tackle your projects and dreams.

If I could add only one thing to this list it would be: Don’t forget to breathe!

Ciao 🙂

“Where Have YOU Been?”



I know that’s the question some may be asking.

“She said she would post something at least once a week this year. Well, she barely posted anything in January, and February, that was just a complete write off! Why is she making promises she clearly CANNOT keep?”


That’s the conversation I just had with: MYSELF. LOL.

Yes. I did say once a week.

Yes. I have looked at the calendar and realize that it is March 7th. (Holy Moly.)



Let me tell you something. Launching a web series, taking on more hours at work, planning two events for the theater company I’m involved with, teaching international students on the LES, AND directing a full-length production of a Greek classic is pretty time consuming.

So…when left with the option of sleeping in, getting brunch or writing a blog post. It is obvious that the latter was never an option I chose.


But let me tell you something, I probably wouldn’t trade these weeks for anything (well, most of them anyway). I have learned so much about myself, what I want, definitely DON’T want, and what I need to stay happy, healthy and whole. Being an adult is tough. Being an artist is hard. Being both? Man, what a challenge.

But let me tell you I am on a journey I would not change. All you have to do is check out these two videos to truly understand why it’s all worth it.

And so I present to you:


Ciao 🙂