Wandering Wednesday


Today’s Wandering Wednesday covers Midtown by Bryant Park, Washington Square Park, and snowy Brooklyn. Enjoy!

Ciao 🙂

Wandering Wednesday


Where on earth have I been? Taking a mini-break from the blog that’s where! I admit I fell off the blog-o-sphere for two weeks there, but with good reason. Sometimes I just need to stop recording everything that’s happening to me and instead fully experience what’s happening to me. This has been a spectacularly busy month for me, and there are still two days to go! This week’s Wandering Wednesday features pictures from my walk up 6th Avenue from Herald Square to Bryant Park, photos taken in the Financial District, and a few shots from my trip to Philadelphia. Hope you enjoy!

Ciao 🙂

Wandering Wednesday


This week, the Wandering Wednesday gallery is “work-based.” Since my survival job, is with the University that owns the most real estate in Manhattan, I get to work at some pretty cool buildings from time to time, and have the opportunity to immerse myself in new neighborhoods, as well as, old memories (after all, I do work for NYU, my alma mater). For the past month or so, I have been splitting my time between working at the midtown location (home base) across from Bryant Park and the New York Public Library, and the downtown location, housed in the Woolworth Building along the Canyon of Heroes. As you look through the photos, you’ll see interior shots of the Woolworth lobby, and my walk from Woolworth to Bryant Park (more info about that see here).

Ciao 🙂

“Night Fever, Night Fe-ver”


So it’s Monday in the city, and with the summer solstice around the corner it means only one thing, HBO Movies in Bryant Park!! Tonight the movie of choice is the John Travolta disco classic Saturday Night Fever. The sun is setting, the weather’s fine, and I’m injury free after the mad dash to the grass. Getting to spend time with James and Marc, my neighbors, on this summer eve is going to be stupendous. Hope your Monday night will be filled with great adventures and a summer breeze.



Wandering Wednesday


It’s Wednesday! So you know what that means, another edition of Wandering Wednesday! This week’s photos come from the Metropolitan Opera at Lincoln Center, Washington Square Park, Sixth Avenue, Columbus Circle, Cherry Walk at the Hudson River, and Bryant Park. Enjoy 🙂